Kernel Density Estimation for Random-effects Meta-analysis

Branko Miladinovic, Ambuj Kumar, Benjamin Djulbegovic


Random-effects meta-analyses are commonly performed to combine estimates of treatment effect from
different studies in the presence of heterogeneity. The method incorporates between-study variance in the overall estimate
of summary effect and its standard error. In addition to calculating the summary effect which relates to the average
treatment effect across all trials, prediction intervals have been recommended to give a range for the predicted parameter
in a new study. As both the calculation of summary effects and prediction intervals rely on the assumption that the effects
underlying different studies are normally distributed, in this manuscript we demonstrate how distribution assumptionfree
weighted kernel density estimation can be used to construct a probability distribution of observed effect sizes, thus
gaining insight into the variability of summary effects. In our study, the weighted kernel density estimates are calculated
using the Gaussian kernel and the adaptive bandwidth selection process. The weights are incorporated based on five
different methods for estimating between-trial heterogeneity and sampling errors from all studies.

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